Second Edition now available from Amazon.
Coming soon to other fine retailers!

Zachary Blaise is having a weird week, even by his standards. Though he has zero interest in dating a woman, the radio personality has been dumped via text by a complete stranger named Marian. On top of that, he’s managed to develop a crush on Marcus, the new waiter at his favorite diner, and Zach’s best friend won’t let him live it down.

Impossibly, things are about to get even weirder. Marian has secrets, and those secrets are going to make some serious ripples in Zach’s life. Between a cheating ex, a psychotic sister, and a completely unexpected revelation from Marcus, things will never be the same…in the best way possible.


Please note that the audiobook currently available is for the old Dreamspinner Press edition, not the updated Cranky Tiger Press edition.